Thursday, May 14, 2009

When do you give up and hire a pro?

Yesterday my computer told me it was time to upgrade to Internet Explorer 8. I did. I hate it. And my web sites look all messed up now. So I finally made the break to Firefox, hoping it was just a IE8 thing. Nope. My sites are messed up there, too (and probably have been from the beginning).

So today I spent a few hours cleaning up me CSS to deal with the problems. Everything is ironed out now...mostly. There's still something funky going on with IE8.

If I had the money it would be tempting to let a pro handle this. I should be working more on my content right now instead of tweaking style sheets. On the other hand, hiring a pro would probably wipe out any profits I may make this year. I admit I have no idea how much a pro would even cost, but I suspect it's not cheap.

As they say, it takes money to make money. But I'm determined to succeed in spite of that obstacle.

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